Sahasra Technology and Consultancy will set up successful ODC that will lower cost of software development. Sahasra Technology and Consultancy can set up an offshore software development for you in Bangalore, India.
The ODC will include the following:
A designated workspace
Sahasra Technology and Consultancy will allocate workspace within its facility to provide for proximity and cohesion within the team.
A designated team
A team will be dedicated to work on client projects exclusively. Sahasra Technology and Consultancy will endeavor to retain the same team on an ongoing basis. Any new member inducted will go through technical and application orientation. This will help in retention of knowledge and enhancement of productivity of the team. The client will have the flexibility to draw resources from this team for any onsite requirements.
Designated infrastructure
Sahasra Technology and Consultancy will set up all the hardware and software resources required for the project in a designated area. This will include any tools or software required. One of the critical factors for the success of ODC . The environment here has to replicate the production environment. The application software, database, any third part tools and system configuration parameters should be properly setup for smooth functioning. If there are tools that cannot be purchased, the client will have to loan it to Sahasra Technology and Consultancy through the project.
Ongoing project visibility and reporting
Not only does the client set the standard for this engagement, the client will also be involved in managing the tasks of the offshore team. This provides complete seamless integration with the client's teams and plans.
Responsibility of Engagement Leader:
1.Ensure Planning, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance of the Engagement;
2.Participate in the Corporate BC initiatives and Communicate as required;
3.Continuously monitor environment for potential risks and facilitate mitigation of the same and update the Risk Assessment as applicable;
4.Provide leadership during Crisis as Engagement;
5.Communicate with Customer on various aspects relating to continuity of services from alternate location;
6.Ensure appropriate support is provided to the Critical Associates to meet the recovery timelines once BC is invoked;
7.Ensuring that all the Critical data is available to all relevant support teams (N&S, CS, HR) for taking back-up and transporting to alternate location, updating contact information periodically;
8.Ensure that the data is available at the alternate location through periodic checks;
9.Ensure that associates are trained and aware of the Process;